Friday, April 29, 2011

They Began as College Sweethearts...

Prince William & Kate Middleton

They began as college sweethearts, but today Kate & William start their new lives together as husband and wife. This real life fairytale is providing American's with a taste of royalty. This story is one of romance and fantasy and love. The future King & Queen of England, however, took almost ten years to make it to the alter. This beautiful love story just offers us warm and fuzzies and so much false hope! It sends the message that if you just wait.... and wait like Kate you too can marry the man of your dreams. But it doesn't really happen that way.

The couple met in college and dated off and on for almost ten years. He said to her in 2007, be patient and I will make you my wife eventually and she was, and he did. But is this romantic story the exception or the rule?

Should you wait on the one you love or move on with your life???

I think about this question almost every day. You always here from older adults about "the one that got away" and it kind of makes you wonder. How do you know when the one is "The One" or the one to let go. Sometimes you need to move on and sometimes you need to go back! But how do you know the difference between the two?

William fell in love with Kate at the age of 19, but he wasn't quite ready to committ early on in their relationship. As a young soldier, he worked hard and played hard too! He lived it up and partied a bit before getting down on one knee. But, I am not attempting to bash William, because I love Prince William! So let me just say that I am not teamKate or teamWilliam, but I am teamWillandKate.

Anywho, Will & Kate eventually got married (today) after a long courtship. But I sympathize for both individuals in this situation. As a woman, I feel for Kate waiting and waiting on the ring. It is very difficult to give someone your heart and know that you want to marry them, but end up waiting and waiting for years. On the other hand, I understand why Will (or any man) would want to be a bit more cautious in matters of the heart. Especially when you think about the fact that William suffered through his parents' traumatic divorce, it makes sense for him to be more careful.

Marriage is supposed to be forever so if you really do have forever, does it really matter when forever starts? We all want to find that one special someone that we're supposed to spend forever with, but you really just never know how the fairytale will unfold.

Friday, March 11, 2011

From Boo to Woo

Do you ever notice those girls at the club or the bar who are just so ridiculously excited for absolutely no reason at all? Those are what you call "Woo Girls". These are the girls that get hype when their favorite song (or any song) comes on and abnoxiously yell "Wooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!". These women are completely and utterly ecstatic about life. There is nothing you could do or say to them that would ruin their good mood. They are not angry or bitter at all. They're a little bit annoying, but only if you are an outsider. If you are not a woo girl you are a boo girl. Boo girls are angry and bitter and there is nothing you could do or say to lift there mood. These girls are the ones in the background going "Booooooooooooooo" while the Woo Girls are dancing and yelling and cheering.

If you're a Woo Girl, good for you. Stay positive and keep living it up with your single gals on the ladies nights out. Enjoy while you're young and single and fabulous. But remember, the life of a Woo Girl is not meant to be forever. It's supposed to be a temporary thing. For your early college years, your twenties maybe, but definitely not forever. At some point you have to grow up and stop shouting!

Now if you're a Boo Girl, stop it. Stop being so negative all the time. You will never get out of your boo-love-is-for-losers mentality if you keep it up. Being a Boo Girl is okay every now and again. Sometimes you need to be the one on the outside looking in judging the Woo Girls and realizing that nothing in life is that dern exciting. But sometimes it's okay to be a Woo Girl and live it up for that one night only!  Stop being such a Negative Nancy and enjoy life.

To move from a Woo Girl to a Boo Girl is easy. It's called growing up. Get a reality check at some point in the future and grow up. But don't let that Woo Girl in you die completely. Sometimes it's okay to let her back out every now and again. But to make the transition from Boo to Woo is no easy task. You have to will yourself to be happy and carefree. More importantly, you have to surround yourself with Woo Girls (or others willing to attempt to wooo). You cannot and will not woo alone. (Hence why you always see Woo Girls in groups of three or more). You have to make it a mission before you leave the house that you are going to woo at some point in the night out. Set the goal and follow through.

A 'Woo girl' - a single girl who loves to go out partying and constantly shouts "woooooo!"

"She's A Woo Girl" (How I Met Your Mother)

How to Go From Boo to Woo
  1. Get some liquid courage
  2. Look fabulous
  3. Go out with other Woo Girls
  4. Step outside your comfort zone
  5. If you get bored, move to a new location

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Keeper vs. Creeper

Sometimes when you meet someone new, it is difficult to know if they could be "the one" or not. In high school finding out whether or not someone was "weird" or "regular" was easy - you had grown up with them and/or knew other people who knew them. But now that we're older dating people is much more difficult. There's no real way to know if someone has skeletons in their closet. Well, everyone has skeletons in their closet, but the question is are they skeletons you can live with? In life and love, how can we know when someone's a Keeper or a Creeper?

Life is too short to date someone for weeks, months, years even just to find out that they are very much a creeper and you should have left them go a long time ago. Being a creeper is not exactly the same as being incompatible. Two perfectly normal people can not be "the one" for each other and that's fine. I'm talking about when someone has some type of neurotic or unusual behavior that makes you want to run like a the girls in the horror films.

It's difficult though. Because when you first meet someone you only see the good in them. You're attracted to them. You like them. You want them to be "the one" either for now or for always. But either way, you will not notice the red flags at this point. So you go on a first date or you just "hang out" and you're getting to know each other. He or she says or does some really off the wall stuff. You give them a side-eye but you're still tryna make it work. You spend the entire date putting things in two different boxes - "I can live with that" and "I can change that". (You can't really change anything about anyone but you tell yourself that for now) But when you get home and talk it over with your friends, you have to decide if he's a keeper or a creeper.

The natural thing to do is to attempt to make everyone a keeper off the bat. You romanticize the date and remember to point out all of the good signs. But what about the bad signs? Is it fair to ignore those? What if that one kinda creepy thing he said was a window into his (or her) true character??? What if the little things you ignored actually turn out to be bigger in the future? How will we ever know?

We can try to weigh the pros and cons all day at the beginning of a new relationship, but at the end of the day I guess we'll never know if someone's a Keeper or a Creeper. I guess the best you can do is try to keep your mind open and your eyes open too. Be positive, but not naiive. Be compassionate, but also be cautious. Take time to get to know the person, but also take time to assess the situation. But most importantly, just pay attention!

How to know if he's a Keeper
  1. He opens the doors for you
  2. He pays for the meal
  3. You share the same values
  4. There's a natural ease and flow
  5. He texts or calls to make sure you got home safely
  6. He's nice to the waitor/waitress
  7. He looks at you and really listens when you talk
  8. Your friends like him
  9. He makes you feel special
  10. He's thoughtful

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Absence of You

The Absence of You

I have nothing to distract me from the absence of you

My distractions are all gone and you’ve left too

I think of you night and day

You seem to haunt me that way

And there’s nothing to distract me from the absence of you

There’s nothing to distract me from the absence of you

You’ve crept into my brain and you’ve stayed there too

Your body’s been gone but the memories linger on

And there’s nothing to distract me from the absence of you

There’s nothing to distract me from the pain of you

I wish I could hurt you so you’d feel it too

One heart bleeds while the other heart leaves

And there’s nothing to distract me from the pain of you.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Just Go With It

When starting a new relationship everyone wants to put their best self out there. It's not exactly "lying" per say, but you're just revealing the best version of yourself to be sure to make a good impression. Everyone does it and it's okay because we all know about it. But that's not what's going on in the newly released Just Go With It. This movie is about outright lying!

The film was loosely based on the 1969 film Cactus Flower in which Goldie Hawn won an Oscar.

Adam Sandler's character Danny wears his wedding band and invents a fake wife to pick up younger women. Which sounds sick and unusual, but actually has a reasonable beginning. He was engaged to be married, but finds out on his wedding day that his soon-to-be-wife was cheating on him and was only marrying him because he was a doctor. This big blow to his heart and ego lead him to the bar where some woman took pity on him as he spouted out lies about his horrible cheating wife. Sandler continues this lie to pick up women for years, but one day stumbles upon a girl who he feels may be "the one". When she finds the ring he invents a fake soon-to-be ex wife to explain away the ring.

This is where Aniston's character Katherine comes in to play. Katherine is just Danny's assistant at his office, but he asks her to pretend to be his ex-wife so the new girlfriend, played by Brooklyn Decker, will be okay with dating a married man. Decker plays Palmer, who will only continue seeing Danny if she has proof that his marriage is over.

The lie is compounded when Aniston accidentally answers her cell while out with Danny and Palmer and it is revealed that Katherine has kids. And now the lie is continued with the addition of Sandler's pretend children! He pays the kids and treats them to pizza to bring them on board.

Somehow the hilarious web of lies lands the dysfunctional family in Hawaii on a family trip with Sandler's cousin as Aniston's pretend new beau. This ultimately was a very funny comedy (as comedies should be). I like Adam Sandler, but sometimes his humor goes too far, but this is not the case in Just Go With It. He and Aniston have excellent chemistry and you can look for a surprise visit from Nicole Kidman as well. And this is more than just a cameo. Kidman has a pretty good role and plays it well.

But don't be fooled. The adult actors don't take all the funny lines. The child stars shine in this movie and surprise you with their funny and witty lines. I must say, however, that there moments that did disappoint me in this rom-com. The cousin is an appropriate balance in the tangled web of lies, but has an annoying fake accent and sometimes takes things too far in the joke department. And the kids are too vulgar in my opinion, but perhaps that's normal for kids these days.

Overall, I would definitely give this movie two thumbs up and say it's worth heading over to Sunchase Cinema 8 if you're in need of a good laugh. Personal favorite line - "Look at you two. It's like Barbie and Grandpa Ken."

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Single Girl's Guide to V-Day

Valentine's Day used to be an equal opportunity holiday. It was fair back in first grade when everyone brought valentines for everyone and you were almost certain to get your choice of chocolate candy. There was no competition. There was no bitterness. There was no us versus them. It was fair. But now that we're older and everyone has paired off (or not paired off) it's not so fair anymore. If you're in a relationship or even talking to someone you can pretty much assume that Valentine's Day will consist of more than a depressing movie and a gallon of ice cream. You don't have to worry about pretending to be okay with it because you actually will be okay. But if you are single... oh if you are single... you get attacked by bears and candy and aisles of all red and pink as soon as Christmas is over! You plot and plan how you can get a man in those few short weeks so you're not alone on V-Day.

But I've got news for you! We don't have to live like this any longer! Don't let one day take over your mind! Whether you're single, dating, or even if it's complicated, I promise you February 14th will come and go and we will all make it. Instead of building up this day in your mind to be bigger than it really is, try starting a new tradition. As corny and depressing as it sounds, be your own Valentine! Do something for yourself and appreciate it. If the day is supposed to be about love then perhaps we should all start with loving ourselves. After all, no one can or will love you if you do not truly love yourself.

Another good thing about V-Day is that you don't have to be that annoying lovey dovey couple that ditches their friends for a Hallmark holiday. Spend Valentine's with your girlfriends! Take the time to do something for someone else. Send your friend a Valentine's Day card. Go out to a good movie. Whether it's a chick flick or if you're feeling more like My Bloody Valentine you'll have a good time together. Remember that moment in Sex and the City when Miranda and Carrie were both alone on New Year's Eve? They were kind of sad and lonely, but after Carrie rushed over to Miranda's to ring in the new year with her bff it made them feel better because even though the men in their lives were gone they still had each other.

But if all else fails.... attempt to find a date! I am definitely a fan of getting a good massage for yourself or going out with the girls to celebrate V-Day, but if you can put yourself out there and spend it with someone you are romantically attracted to that's even better! Sometimes all it takes is that initiative. Letting someone know you would like to get to know them better. Too often women get stuck in the I-can't-ask-a-guy-out mentality because we're told from such a young age that that's "the man's job". But sometimes you have to go after what you want. Make the first move. Put the ball in their court.

Regardless of how you spend this day, just remember that after all the hype and build up of February 14th comes... February 15th! It's just a day.

For more on Valentine's Day... check out last year's post!